Karinkuru Anime was established in January of 1998 by a group of anime fans. As fansubbers, we are committed to the effort to promote the art of Japanese animation in the United States by providing free of charge translations, timed scripts, and videotapes.

A.D. Logo
What is Anime
Who Are We
What We Use
How to Subtitle
While Karinkuru Anime itself does not distribute titles due to lack of time and resources, we've set up relations with the best fansub distributors around to provide you with the most inexpensive yet highest quality copies of our tapes. At the moment we are not looking for any new distributors, due to the number of requests that we have received. Thanks!

For everyone else who just wants to get our stuff (and who doesn't?!) our for-distribution titles and music videos are available from these distributors:

Kiwi's Independent Distribution Service (KIDS)

Night Lite Anime

Saber Anime Distribution

Contents of this Page Copyright © 1999 by Matthew R. Demicco.
You may not reproduce any part of this document
without the express written consent from the author.